The State of the Chef Industry

The State of the Chef Industry

This is the first of three samples of something much bigger to come in the near future… Let me know what you think!


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  1. sydfishpig

    Tony, i thought i was only one that thought like this, i don’t even call myself a chef anymore as i don’t want to be in the group that are self proclaimed Chefs. I now call myself a Cheif Cook as they would never call themselves this or do they even know what it means. it’s a deep south thing i’ll chat with you when i see you, xo sydney

  2. Victoria Headden

    I have cooked professionally in Virginia Beach for 4 years. My mother was a cook here for 45 years. In the past 2 years i have seen a slow degredation of the synchronicity inside kitchens. People are just going through the motions. My last job i had to call someone an EC that could not wven properly make Risotto. It is heartbreaking to those of us that enjoy watching someone eat good food. The feeling i got when i finally found ky toss with the pans. You cannot replace that and now so much saute is sauce from bags. Sad. Thank you for keeping a light for us that feel low in our skin. My last interview the man joked me for wearing a uniform coat. I have never felt so low about my own career that i thought i loved. I thank you for being real. It helps those of us that give a damn to cope between good spells.

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